Ceasefire Fluroketone Clean Agent Based Portable Extinguishers

Ceasefire Fluroketone Clean Agent Based Portable Extinguishers

Ceasefire Industries Pvt. Ltd.

  • Rs. 14,868.00

  • Application: Fights class A, B, C and Electrically started fires.

  • Residue Free: Zero collateral damage and residue-free. 

  • Pressure Gauge: Easy to read Pressure Gauge for ease of monitoring. 

  • Safe Technology: Safe Low-Pressure Technology that does not displace oxygen in the fire zone. 

  • Environment Friendly: Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) 

  • 6 year Warranty: The 6 year Warranty means Ceasefire is looking out for the health of your fire safety products.

  • Certification: BIS, LPCB, and PED certified.

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